The Wonderful Name of Jesus: Part 3 - Diving Deeper
For this week's Diving Deeper we are going to take a closer look at giving up our own authority and receiving the authority found in Jesus name!
In her message on Sunday, Pastor Merodee encouraged us to surrender our identity and our purpose to our Heavenly Father. by trusting Him with our identity and purpose we receive something amazing in return!!
"My old identity has been co-crucified with the Messiah and no longer lives; for the nails of his cross crucified me with him. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me - we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, and dispenses his life into mine!" Galatians 2:20
It can be quite an honour if you ever find yourself in a situation where your identity is recognized and provides you with favour. An invite to a special event, your efforts noticed and mentioned at work, a referral for doing a great job, being chosen for an award or honour, or being given a gift are a few things that come to mind.
What if your identity is DEAD!?!
There would be no possible way to be recognized, honoured, or put into a place of authority or leadership. IF your identity didn't exist then you could not receive the wages and rewards of your efforts. What an absolute shame to miss out on the wages that you deserved and were owed to you! ...
Unless... the wages you earned were not something that you wanted...
"For the wages of sin is death..." Romans 6:23
My old identity, my old sinful nature, earns a reward and a wage that is very undesirable...DEATH.
Galatians 2:20 reminds me that when my old identity is crucified with Jesus that it no longer lives... I am now dead to death which also means that I am Alive to Life!!
What an amazing name, Jesus!
This powerful name of Jesus puts to death my old sinful nature, makes me alive in Christ as he lives through me and empowers me with the faith of the Son of God!!
How amazing is this? That now, with my identity being Jesus life and Jesus identity, I receive Jesus' wages and rewards.
This week, you can dive deeper into the message through one or all of the following:
Take time to ask the Father about the Power HE invested into the name of Jesus!
Do a DBS on Galatians 2:20.
Listen and worship along with "That's The Power" by Hillsong Worship.
Listen or re-listen to the message by clicking the podcast
- Pastor Kevin
Reflect & Respond
Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a way for anyone, anywhere to read God's word! You can dive deeper into this week's message by doing a DBS one any one or all of these scriptures. DBS is a great tool to use for your own devotions, as a bible study with friends, or as an evangelism tool!
Prayer Prompts
Pray that the Good News of God's love would shine through the Body of Christ.
Pray for revelation of the incredible authority invested in the name of Jesus and the responsibility we have to do everything in the name of Jesus.
Pray for our KPC Kids that they would have powerful and sweet encounters as they see Jesus, know Jesus and share Jesus.
Continue to pray that as we have learned in this series on 'The Name of Jesus" we will have revelation by the Holy Spirit to understand the power & authority of Jesus Name and how we are Powers of Attorney to it.